What is fentanyl?

Pharmaceutical Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a potent prescription synthetic opioid drug approved by the FDA for pain relief and anesthetic. Prescription opioids are powerful drugs with a high risk for dependency. Fentanyl is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. A lethal dose of fentanyl is the size of 2 grains of salt.


Illictily Manufactured Fentanyl

(IMF) is a illegally produced Fentanyl that can be found in the drug market in liquid or powder form.


What are signs of fentanyl poisoning?

Overdose poisioning signs include:

  • Person may be choking
  • Person is not moving
  • Can’t be waken up
  • You can hear gurgling sounds or snoring
  • Breathing will be slow or gone
  • Lips and nails are blue
  • Pupils are tiny
  • Skin feels cold and clammy

Image provided by DCCCA


What drugs has fentanyl been found in?

Powered Fentanyl has been found in a variety of street drugs today including Cocaine, Heroin,  and cloned pills such as Xanax, Oxy, Percocet, and Adderall.

What are street names for Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl?
  • Apache
  • Dance Fever
  • Friend
  • Goodfellas
  • Jackpot
  • Murder 8
  • Tango & Cash